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Rosicrucian museum

Rosicrucian Membership

If the content of our website resonates with you, and you would like to become a member of the Rosicrucian Order, we would be delighted to welcome you into our midst to begin the definitive journey of your life.

By becoming a member of our Order you will be starting a process of inner discovery that has the potential to immensely enrich your life on all levels. Within you resides a veritable sleeping giant, and you already possess in embryonic form all the powers, abilities and sophistication that the most evolved and spiritually enlightened person could ever aspire to. But very few people believe they have such potential and consequently they don't even try to discover it.

There is an innate wisdom in everyone, but very few seriously try to find it. To unlock that wisdom and inner maturity requires the patient application of certain techniques of inner development in a controlled and steady manner, and the Rosicrucian curriculum provides all you will need to accomplish this. The Rosicrucian teachings and their associated techniques are incrementally revealed to you in a system of study and self development that will provide you with a clear roadmap to accomplishing your most cherished dreams. And when sincerely and correctly done, you will find happiness, peace and personal fulfilment that few in the world ever achieve.

We cordially invite you to become a member of the worldwide community of Rosicrucians, The Rosicrucian OrderĀ®.