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The Truth About You

There is a deep and wonderful truth about you. It may be hidden and you may not even know it exists…, but you are in fact your own best guide, no matter what endeavour you embark upon, and no matter how many advisers and guides you may have surrounded yourself with. There is no need for gurus, spiritual masters, teachers, life-coaches, role models, etc., for you already have within you the wisest, warmest, kindest, most understanding and forgiving teacher you could ever want.
This personal “master-teacher”, which is in fact a very deep aspect of your own self, waits constantly and vigilantly for every opportunity to assist you in your most important endeavours. If only you could stop long enough and listen intently enough to make that crucial connection with it, what wonders you would see...; for you already have within you a power and wisdom of super-human proportions, and you can use it to accomplish literally anything you wish for and rightfully deserve.


  • What makes the Rosicrucian Order different from "New Age" groups?

    There are hundreds of "new-age" groups, some of them doing good work in the advancement of humanity and its realisation of higher ideals and standards of behaviour.

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  • What do the terms mysticism and metaphysics mean?

    The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines mysticism as "a spiritual quest for hidden truth or wisdom, the goal of which is union with the divine or sacred." In simple terms, mysticism can be defined as a discipline or way of life, the goal of which is to experience as all-inclusively as possible, the source of all reality...

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  • What does the Rosicrucian Order teach?

    Members of the Rosicrucian Order are able to achieve their highest potential in all areas of life…, physical, intellectual, artistic, psychic, spiritual and more. The studies broaden the existing five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing through the stimulation and awakening of psychic analogues of these senses...

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  • I’ve seen other groups calling themselves "Rosicrucian"

    We are often asked if these other organisations are affiliated with the Rosicrucian Order. The answer is no, none of them are, though some try to pass themselves off as though they were in some way affiliated with us.

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  • The Rosicrucian Order sounds like a religion. Is it?

    No, it may appear that way because of the high regard that Rosicrucians hold all sincere religious beliefs, and the fact that the Rosicrucian Order deals in depth with mysticism, something which lies at the heart of all major religions. However, the Order is not a religion itself, just as mysticism is not the exclusive domain of any particular religious belief system.

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  • Do I have to spend years of studying before I will realise any real benefits?

    No. Almost immediately you will begin to see your life in a different light.

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